Being a growth company: BrightAnalytics knows what it is. That's why they understand us perfectly.

-Stijn Van Walle, Financial Manager
"A reporting tool without a manual? The ease of use makes them simply superfluous!"
- Stijn Van Walle, Financial Manager

Modules in use

The right software for scale-ups, and the right people behind the scenes

Financial services company PKF-VMB (better known as Moore) may have been around for almost 20 years, but they still have the mindset of a growth company. And that comes in handy, because Moore counts a lot of scale-ups among his clients. They are not looking for standard solutions, but rather customised solutions for their specific business. “Choosing to partner with BrightAnalytics was therefore an obvious choice. Because of their intuitive software, but even more so because of their people”, says CEO Wim Seynaeve.

Scale-ups that do not have their own finance department can outsource their financial management to Moore. “We in turn implement a number of tools to do that financial management for our customers,” Wim begins. “When it comes to accounting, we’ve been working 100% digitally for a while now. But for management reporting, we didn’t have an efficient tool until recently. We were working with Excel.”

Perfect solution for Moore’s customers

That changed when Moore came into contact with BrightAnalytics at a trade show. “We discovered that their tool could be the ideal solution for our customers, and a perfect addition to our product portfolio. With BrightAnalytics, instead of using a custom-made Excel sheet, we could build a management reporting system in the cloud in an intuitive and easy way”, says Wim.

So in early 2019, Moore launched two – relatively complex – pilot projects with BrightAnalytics. The results were so promising that the company became a partner and decided to offer the tool to its customers from now on. “The first customer with whom we deployed BrightAnalytics was an organization that had grown through acquisitions, and consisted of 16 entities and several stores per entity,” explains Stijn Van Walle, Manager of Financial Management at Moore. “For them, we now map the actual performance per store entity, and not just once a quarter, but at any time. This allows the owner to intervene where necessary.”

In search of challenges

A second pilot project involved a non-profit organisation. “There, the primary motivation was not financial reporting, but the need for a clear overview of all ongoing projects, expected subsidies, salaries to be paid, etc.”, Stijn continues. “BrightAnalytics provides the link between accounting, the time registration system and the invoicing system. Thanks to its forecasting and budgeting module, the organisation can also perfectly assess when to invoice which partner. A bit of an atypical customer for BrightAnalytics.

And just that turns out to be a crucial reason for Moore to choose BrightAnalytics. “The people at BrightAnalytics enjoy joining us in the search for challenges, for ways to develop their software even further. That attitude fits our DNA perfectly. And with that of our customers. Scale-ups want solutions that work. These are often so tailor-made that they can only be applied to their company. BrightAnalytics can be fully tailored to our client’s needs. That’s also because they have the right people in house. They know what it’s like to be a growth company, so they understand our world perfectly.”

Intuitive and therefore quickly deployable

In addition, the intuitive structure and fast deployment proved to be a perfect match for the living environment of the scale-up. Junior Consultant James Vanhee, who made the software ready for use for the two pilot projects, says: “It doesn’t come with a manual, but you soon notice that this is not necessary. The tool is user-friendly and intuitive. That means that our customers can get started right away, and don’t have to take training courses first.” Wim joins him: “If you ask a scale-up when something needs to be ready, their answer is often ‘yesterday’. We can now tell them that not only will they understand BrightAnalytics quickly, but it will also be live in no time. And that’s a very important asset for our customers.”

Flower logo

The benefits of BrightAnalytics according to Moore:

  • The right software and the right people behind the tool
  • Intuitive and therefore quickly deployable
  • Adapt to the needs of the customer

Wondering what BrightAnalytics can mean for you?