BrightAnalytics allows you to filter quickly and see the results at a glance.

-Hans Hoskens, Finance Director
"Usually, a lot of time and work is put into the financial reporting, and less of it into the analysis of the data. With BrightAnalytics, the exact opposite is possible."
- Hans Hoskens, Finance Director

Modules in use makes BrightAnalytics preferred partner

IT service provider would rather work with preferred partners for the infrastructure and applications they offer to their customers. Recently, BrightAnalytics became one of those partners, in particular for customers who are looking for a financial reporting and controlling tool.

“As an IT service provider, we support our customers – usually medium-sized B2B companies with around 25 to 5,000 computer users – with infrastructure and applications,” starts business manager Pat Van Roey. “To do this, we work with a select number of suppliers.”

During customer meetings,’s Business Solutions business unit noticed that many companies needed a more advanced solution for their financial reporting. After extensive market research, BrightAnalytics was chosen.

Without IT intervention

“There are several reasons for this,” explains Finance Director Hans Hoskens. “BrightAnalytics just takes that extra step, when compared to other BI tools. It is not just a financial reporting tool, but a controlling tool as well. Operational staff in the finance department can set it up and manage it themselves, without the intervention of an IT professional,” continues Hans.

“We think that’s crucial. Usually a lot of time and work is put into financial reporting, and less into analyzing the data. However, it should be the other way around: the data should come out very quickly, so that you can start working with the figures. BrightAnalytics even exceeds our expectations in that respect.”

At a glance

Because does not like to present anything to customers without also working with it themselves, BrightAnalytics was also implemented at the IT service provider. The main driver was the introduction of analytical accounting, where overhead costs had to be divided over the various business units. “In BrightAnalytics, we can set up allocation keys in the background so that those costs are automatically distributed among the business units in the reporting,” Hans says.

“In the past, we would have had to use Excel for this, where errors would quickly creep into formulas and multiple sheets would have to be used. BrightAnalytics allows you to filter quickly, and you can see the results at a glance afterwards. It saves us time, is user-friendly and enables us to work quickly.”

No extra cost for customisation

Meanwhile, continues to offer other BI to customers. “For productivity reporting, for example, showing who spent how many hours on which project, Power BI is an excellent tool that is freely accessible to everyone,” says Pat. “But filtering on an analytical level is difficult. And if you want to work with distribution keys to make a proper analysis of the figures, this often requires customization. BrightAnalytics is a better option in such cases.”

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The advantages of BrightAnalytics according to

  • Financial reporting and controlling tool
  • No intervention by an IT expert needed
  • User-friendly system
  • Enormous time savings

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