Excel helped us for a long time, but we ran into limits.

-Anke Ulens, CEO
"There were barely six weeks between the first interviews and the implementation: it all went amazingly fast."
- Anke Ulens, CEO

Connectors in use

Modules in use

You have the tools to make a difference

“Before our network of offices grew, we hardly ever compiled reports: too cumbersome. Since BrightAnalytics was introduced, we base every decision on a complete overview. Both for management, the various offices and the employees.” – Anke Ulens, CEO Vivaldis Interim

A user-friendly platform to quickly retrieve and interpret all available data at different levels. That was the wish of Vivaldis Interim. In a short time the temporary employment agency grew from 30 to 45 offices in Belgium: “Excel has helped us for a long time, but we reached the limits”, says Vivaldis-CEO Anke Ulens. “With BrightAnalytics, all 125 employees have all the tools in their own hands to make a difference.” She adds: “We used to be able to request reports, but we never did: too laborious”.

Vivaldis uses BrightAnalytics in two ways. In the first place to inform the management with the necessary key figures and reports. “Before, we could do that too, but we barely did it. It was too cumbersome and took too much time. Now, we have all the information we need to make decisions quickly and in a user-friendly way. We see the key figures immediately, and can break them down if necessary: for example, to compare the performance between existing and new offices.”

Figures and reports by office

The figures and reports not only guide the board of directors, the various offices also use BrightAnalytics on a daily basis. “Our business model is built on great autonomy of the offices and employees. With BrightAnalytics, they can see performance at a glance, compare it and know which services are delivering what margins. This gives them all the input they need to make the best choices.”

Practical insight for concrete decisions

BrightAnalytics uses all data of Vivaldis’ own ERP-package, anytime.:”The reports and data are very business focused. That’s a compliment! It’s not data with an IT or accounting background, but practical figures that assist management in concrete decisions.

Introducing a new system is never easy and often a lengthy process. That was not the case with BrightAnalytics. There were barely six weeks between the initial discussions and the implementation. Internally, there was no resistance. “It is very user-friendly and BrightAnalytics is always available if you have any questions. But actually, that’s hardly necessary because the platform hasn’t failed a single time.”

Flower logo

The advantages of BrightAnalytics according to Vivaldis Interim:

  • Fast and easy to use
  • Short implementation time
  • Easy and fast filtering
  • Great service

Wondering what BrightAnalytics can mean for you?