Exact Financials
Let’s get you up and running with data from Exact Financials


  • Financial reporting
  • Cash reporting


  • Finance

Integration Type

  • On-Premise
  • Standard API

Exact Financials

The integration

BrightAnalytics centralizes all financial and operational data in one single platform, and allows you to endlessly combine these numbers to produce the most inclusive insights.

The data from Exact Financials is transformed into clear and interactive dashboards, graphs and scorecards on the BrightAnalytics platform, telling the true story behind the numbers. In BrightAnalytics, all financial reports are immediately available:

And much more!

About Exact Financials

The Exact Financials software brings structure to your finances and supports your financial processes.

  • Keep your accounts up-to-date with ease
  • Optimal freedom of choice
  • Central management, access everywhere

In addition to Exact Financials, Exact offers various business software with which BrightAnalytics connects as well, such as the on-premise packages Exact Globe and Exact ProAcc, and cloud-based software including Exact Online and Exact Synergy.

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Connecting valuable data

BrightAnalytics already connects with more than 280 applications, and is creating more all the time! Didn’t find your connector? Let us know and we’ll get right on it!