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Pipeline & Deals

Our Pipeline & Deals app is designed to give companies full visibility into their sales process, helping them track deals from start to finish. Whether you’re monitoring deals still in the pipeline, assessing closed-won or closed-lost outcomes, or gaining insights into your team’s performance, our app delivers the tools you need to stay ahead.

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Our app visualises your sales pipeline as a funnel, displaying the value of deals at each stage. This clear, dynamic view helps you easily track progress, identify bottlenecks, and optimise your sales process for better results.

Charts and tables on various dimensions

BrightAnalytics enables dynamic segmentation, letting you for example compare employees’ closed-won values through intuitive pie charts. You can also view the different KPIs in dynamic tables, giving you powerful insights to track performance and drive informed sales decisions.

Target analysis and forecast closing

The possibilities in the Pipeline & Deals app are endless. Perform target analyses and forecast potential closed deals to gain deeper insights into your sales performance. Optimise your sales strategy based on what you can expect in the future or from your sales employees.

Pipeline & Deals


Gain deeper insights in the following KPI’s:

  • Deals created
  • Open deals
  • Open deal value
  • Open weighted value
  • Average days in stages
  • Closed deals
  • Closed deal value
  • Closing rate
  • Average days until closed
  • Closed won
  • Closed lost

Filtering options

Dimensional data can be filtered on:

  • Sales employee
  • Pipeline
  • Deal stage
  • Customer
  • Contact
  • Country
  • Source

Target setting

Targets can be set on the dimension you want and for the periodicity that you want. You can for example set a quarterly target per sales employee.

Geo Map

Curious about where your closed won value is achieved? Our GEO Map gives you an overview of the turnover/cost per country and zipcode.

Geo Map ARR

Ramp-up Stats

Tracking the progress of employees or when they reach the desired performance levels is also a possibility in BrightAnalytics, where we use the start date of the employees to set up ramp-up stats.


You have multiple pipelines with different stages? In BrightAnalytics we can split them up and visualise all your funnels.

Forecast closing

To obtain a clear overview of what deals and associated deal values you can expect in the future, we also provide you a forecast closing view.

Flexible period selection

Allows users to adjust reporting periods easily, including options for single periods, year-to-date, last twelve months, custom date ranges, and more. Supports visualisation of data in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and yearly timeframes. 

Export option

Options to export detailed data to Excel or download as a PDF or image.

See this app in action

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Request a demo

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Watch the video

By providing your details, you can access a video explaining our Pipeline & Deals app.

  • Which data is used for the Pipeline & Deals app?

    We use deal data, coming from CRM systems.

  • Can we add widgets by ourselves in the app?

    You can add graphs, pie charts, funnels, values and images.

  • What if we want to add an extra KPI?

    To ensure the speed and good-working of your application one of our colleagues will do the necessary to gather and report the new KPI’s in your application.

  • We have custom fields in our software, can we use this in BrightAnalytics?

    As long as the custom data can be linked with the subscription data and the data can be retrieved, we can implement the data in your SaaS Metrics application.